Green design

The vegetal complexity of our vertical garden is compensated by the simplicity of our spaces, designed with functionality and minimalism. Our clear objective: to avoid unnecessary waste and protect Madrid's precious natural spaces.


  • Rooms without single-use plastics 2025.
  • Rooms without consumables 2026. Consumables are understood to be any object placed by the hotel that can be disposed of by the customer and/or employees, even if it is made of
  • recyclable material other than plastic
  • Reduce the water footprint 2025 by 30% compared to 2024. Encourage the responsible use of water, measure and reduce the hotel's water footprint on an annual basis.
  • Hotel without single-use plastics 2027.
  • Hotel without consumables 2027. Useful Minimalism
  • Zero Waste Hotel (to landfill) 2030